episode 1

Join Maud and Cees as they walk along the beaches near the Abin office in Noordwijk and discuss their journey and the process behind the rebranding of Abin Accountants.

Abin Accountants

Three offices, a team of ten executives and challenges with hiring new people. We teamed up with Abin’s management team and employees to innovate and develop their brand identity. In our Walk & Talk’s we discuss briefly how we worked together and what it achieved, since we began this adventure a year ago.



What was your main challenge?


Fifteen years ago, we were a much smaller organization. Back then, we created a name and logo to feature on our letterhead. But as we grew, we had to face new challenges in both the commercial and labor markets. That’s when we started thinking about the story we wanted to tell as Abin Accountants and who we truly are – and that’s how we realized we needed branding.


What stuck with you most in the rebranding process with our team?


In this process, we not only had workshops with management, but also with other employees. You aimed for a broad representation from all different offices and collected information from everyone.


The funny thing was, when we looked at your first quote we thought: is that brandbook really necessary? Of course, it did cost something in the short term, but in the end if I may give your future clients a tip: Create a brandbook for your brand!


Our mission is to build fans.
So I want to ask you, have we made you a fan of HLO?


We are certainly a fan of HLO. In that respect, your mission has also succeeded with us. And what particularly triggered us was your refreshing approach right at the beginning of the process.

Our customers rate us with an average of 4,5 stars

So close to a full five, wow! We can’t wait to make even more fans!

Let’s talk about taking your brand on a walk to the next level!

Ready to get started? Book a call with Maud and let’s begin the journey!

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episode 1

Sluit je aan bij Maud en Cees terwijl ze langs de stranden in de buurt van het Abin-kantoor in Noordwijk wandelen en hun reis en het proces achter de nieuwe rebranding van Abin Accountants bespreken.

Abin Accountants

Drie kantoren, een team van tien leidinggevenden en uitdagingen bij het aannemen van nieuw personeel. We hebben de handen ineengeslagen met het managementteam en de medewerkers van Abin om hun merkidentiteit te innoveren en te ontwikkelen. In onze Walk & Talk's bespreken we kort hoe we hebben samengewerkt en wat we sinds het begin van dit avontuur een jaar geleden hebben bereikt.



Wat was je grootste uitdaging?


Vijftien jaar geleden waren we een veel kleinere organisatie. Toen creëerden we een naam en een logo om op ons briefpapier te plaatsen. Maar naarmate we groeiden, kregen we te maken met nieuwe uitdagingen, zowel op de commerciële als de arbeidsmarkt. Dat was het moment waarop we begonnen na te denken over het verhaal dat we als Abin Accountants wilden vertellen en wie we werkelijk zijn – en zo kwamen we erachter dat we behoefte hadden aan branding.


Wat is jou het meest bijgebleven tijdens het rebrandingproces met ons team?


In dit proces hebben we niet alleen workshops met het management gehouden, maar ook met andere medewerkers. Er is gestreefd naar brede vertegenwoordiging van alle verschillende kantoren, en er is informatie van iedereen verzameld om een sterke basis te leggen.


Het grappige was, toen we naar je eerste quote keken, dachten we: is dat brandbook nou echt nodig? Natuurlijk, het heeft op korte termijn wel wat gekost, maar als ik je toekomstige klanten een tip mag geven: maak een brandbook voor je merk!


Dus ik wil je vragen, hebben we je een fan van HLO gemaakt?


We zijn zeker fans van HLO. In dat opzicht is jullie missie ook bij ons geslaagd. Wat ons vooral heeft aangesproken, was jullie verfrissende aanpak aan het begin van het proces.

Onze klanten beoordelen ons gemiddeld met 4,5 sterren

Zo dicht bij een volledige vijf, wauw! We kunnen niet wachten om nog meer fans te maken!

Laten we het hebben over het naar een hoger niveau tillen van jouw merk!

Klaar om aan de slag te gaan? Boek een afspraak met Maud en laten we de reis beginnen!

neem contact op met maudstuur ons een e-mail

Branding and marketing: you know you need ‘em both.  And you want to use them! It's the only way to put your brand on the map and grow. Most of our clients are not marketers — which makes sense. If they'd been marketers, they probably would've gone into the marketing business.

But... that means you have to hire a marketer. Right? Isn't that the go-to expert who can translate your strategic vision into practice? Not necessarily! We often see clients struggle with this question — and cost is a factor. Do you really have to hire an expensive marketing or branding agency? At first sight, it seems a lot cheaper to put together your own team.
But companies (or their marketers) that go down this road ultimately knock on our doors. I know, I know. You're confused. Do marketers really ask a branding agency for help?

Yup. And in this blog post, I'll tell you why. I will also explain when it is and isn't smart to use your own team.

Don't go on a wild goose chase! Do hire a dedicated team of experts

A horticulture entrepreneur once inquired about our rates. When Isabella shared these, she exclaimed, “I can use that money to pay eight workers!”

“Sure,” Isabella said, “but are they capable of doing what we do?”

Look. Of course, your horticulture company needs workers. But branding and marketing are equally important. For you want to create fans who will remain loyal to your brand  through the good times and the bad (regardless of your rates, as you don't want to compete on price).

Alright, let's first sketch the ‘in-house marketer scenario.’ Suppose you publish a job posting. After several rounds, you've found a great candidate. Time to have that in-house talent double down on branding! Right? Well, not exactly. Marketers don't necessarily determine the direction your company takes. To do that, they need help from — you guessed it — a branding expert. The in-house marketer acts a bit like a project manager. In fact, many in-house marketers are communications experts who initiate, implement, and supervise the company's marketing efforts. Truth bomb: a real marketer is not a creative person. It's someone who focuses on the results of your marketing efforts — a figure-oriented person, if you will.


An in-house marketer or communications expert is eager to roll up their sleeves and get to work. But they prefer to lay a solid foundation. A clear brand blueprint, a strong identity, and an effective marketing plan can help this in-house expert get to work — or at least in part. For you still need to develop creative content. Think video, photography, and copywriting, as well as a creative campaign concept that requires elaboration. If you want to tackle all these tasks in-house, your team should consist of 10 people. Or, you can go on a wild goose chase to find the amazing all-round talent everyone's looking for. (Spoiler alert: this person doesn't exist. And if they do, they probably won't take a job at your company. This highly gifted individual will likely prefer to be self-employed...)

But... isn't it very expensive to hire an agency? Well, it depends on how you look at it. Of course, you’ll spend quite a lot of money at once. But how much does it cost to hire 10 people and coordinate all HR matters for them? And will they be of constant use to your company? Or will they remain on your payroll after a major (implementation) project while there won't be many other tasks to complete?

Here's the thing: if you compare an agency's rate to these FTEs, the first option is often a lot cheaper. That's because with an agency, you'll work on a project basis.

On top of that, you'll get things done much faster — and often, the results will be better, too. This isn't surprising, as you'll collaborate with a dedicated team of seasoned experts who will work on taking your business to the next level.

Wait, what? Did I just state that an agency has more expertise than the people you hire? Well, yes. That's exactly what I said. Because that's usually the case. I mean, suppose you're an excellent photographer, art director, or copywriter. Would you really want to work at a company that doesn't operate in the creative industry and where you constantly do the same thing? You'd probably pass, right? Your skills are in high demand. Plus, you like to surround yourself with other creatives who constantly inspire you, so you can grow. You'd rather apply for that cool job at a creative marketing or branding agency. That's understandable — and it's a very good reason for companies to work with an agency like that to build (or expand) their brand.

The power of laser focus

If you fully commit to something for a certain period of time, you'll achieve a lot. I see it happen time and again. We collaborate intensively with clients, which means we truly join forces. That approach leads to great results.

One example: our collaboration with PLNTS.com, which started when the pandemic broke out. The world hit the brakes, but this online shop said, “Let's go!” And they got our full attention. It was a dedicated approach for sure. And, as you can read in the customer case study, it worked.

This laser focus has also been very beneficial to other clients. For example, South African company Integrative9 flew out to the Netherlands to take workshops with us at three different locations in The Hague. It was a three-day intensive during which we covered a lot of themes. Since we really immersed ourselves in their company, story, vision, and goals, we now know them from the inside out. We've completely figured out who they are, what they want to convey, and how they can best share their story. It translates into numbers: when Integrative9 assessed us on a scale from 1 to 10, we scored two nines and a 10!

So, what's next? Well, we contribute business ideas. We can do that because we have a thorough understanding of their brand's heart and dreams for the future. And as an agency, we also adopt a creative entrepreneurial mindset. That's another thing this client really appreciates.

From pressure cooker to toolkit

Do you think those workshops sound great, but are they still a bit abstract to you? I completely understand — and that's why I'm happy to explain what to expect from a (re)branding process with us.

We start with ‘pressure cooker workshops.’ That's where we — you guessed it — up the pressure! For sometimes, a little pressure goes a long way. These intensive workshops only take one to three days to complete. As an entrepreneur (or as a marketing team), you have to put some time and effort into them. But it's worth your while, because at the end of this short ride, we provide you with a blueprint. That's a concise report containing everything: your story, vision, mission, brand pillars, and competition. Based on the blueprint, we always develop an HLO implementation plan.

With everything mapped out, we complete a short sprint — we translate it into a concept. This involves other experts than those who've laid out your strategy. If you do choose the FTE route, what will your strategic experts do at this stage? Not much, though they are your permanent employees.

Anyway, back to our approach: we set up your concept and then roll it out. To that end, we create a toolkit your internal employees can use. For ultimately, that's what we do: we empower you and your in-house team!

Use our brand checklist to see where your brand currently stands!

Download checklistDownload checklist



Use our brand checklist to see where your brand currently stands!

Download checklist

Building from a solid foundation

The brand book is the foundation of your toolkit. It contains your entire story — from strategy and vision to dreams and goals. It's extremely useful, as it gives existing and new employees a quick overview of who you are and what you stand for. So, you can also use it for employer branding purposes.

Do you think this is an unnecessary luxury, because people already know what you stand for? I completely understand that, being an entrepreneur, you just assume this as a fact. But... think again! I can't tell you how often we hear the (work floor) reality is different. For example, we recently gave a presentation to a team that had a real ‘aha’ moment afterward. “We've been working on great things,” they said, “but now we understand why we're doing it!” So the latter was not as cut and dried as the management team thought.

In addition to overarching brand elements, such as your story and values, the brand book also contains practical tools. For example, we create templates that can inspire your people to work on their own marketing communications efforts or help freelancers work in a targeted way. Basically, you get a kind of DIY marketing guide.

Would you like to outsource marketing because you're not a ‘marketing DIYer?’ In that case, we can create and implement the strategic marketing plan for you. Do you prefer to work on your own marketing communications efforts, but do you want to give us a call and brainstorm every once in a while? That's also an option. We understand you don't need to order every branded pen with our help but do welcome a high-level brainstorm from time to time.

Invest in a strategy and reap the benefits for years to come

Briefly put, if you work with an agency, you will make a one-time investment but lay a sustainable, high-quality, and solid foundation whose benefits you'll reap for years to come. You will build your brand strategically and effectively, as you can be sure your marketing strategy is 100 percent in line with who you are and where you're headed.

And finally, here's the cherry on top: if you collaborate with HLO, the images we create are immediately yours. Think you need to fork out an extra 25K for a jingle? Not if you work with us! Everything we create is tailored to you — and you can use it as you see fit.

To hire or not hire...yet?

If that's your dilemma, you can better schedule a brainstorm and discuss what your ideal team mix of experts looks like? It's free, to contact me!

Contact Maudsend us an e-mailStuur ons een e-mail

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